Are you an ultimate lifeform (Sonic the hedgehog)

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Are you powerful? Do you think you have all of the requirements to be the ultimate lifefor ? Take this quiz to find out if you can be an ultimate lifeform

Answer the questions honestly for better results. Don't just pick any answer and any sepific answer for the result you and to get. Pick them because you want to know your acutal result. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and take the test!

Created by: Shadow the hedgehog
  1. What is your favorite color scheme?
  2. You see Sonic in danger, what do you do?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What power do you choose
  5. Last one, just pick a quote
  6. You thought that was the last question? Idiot!
  7. Do you have a dark side?
  8. If you could be best friends with Sonic would you?
  9. On a scale from useless to ultimate how would you rate this
  10. Last question... Are you a Sonic fangirl?

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Quiz topic: Am I an ultimate lifeform (Sonic the hedgehog)
