Are You an Insensitive Popular Kid?

This is a great quiz to take. Most people who are popular don't do well in life. They are mean and insensitive and nobody will want to be their friend in life. They will most likely get a job at McDonald's due to their sucky grades. If you qualify for being popular, please try to change your ways, it will be a lot better for you in the future!

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Created by: Dick
  1. Let's say you see someone wearing a specific outfit and you have an opinion on it. What would you say?
  2. You hear a rumor about you. What do you do?
  3. What is your favorite subject in school. If someone were to pick something different than you, would you disrespect them.
  4. Let's say you have a really nice teacher and you get a bad on a quiz. What is your reaction?
  5. You see a kid get bullied. What do you do.
  6. A kid on your team in a gym sport is on your team and you think he is bad.
  7. If someone is crying. What do you do?
  8. Now it's time for the yes/no questions. Have you ever spread a rumor about someone before?
  9. Are you confident?
  10. Have you even been in a fight before.
  11. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend before?
  12. Do you think that your insensitive?
  13. Final question. What do you care about.

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Quiz topic: Am I an Insensitive Popular Kid?