Are You An Idiot?

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There are many people who they're idiots well think again! This is the ultimate Idiot Quiz choose answeres wisly! Or else I will kill you! LOL I need alot of characters!

Are YOU an idiot or are you a fake? Take this quiz to find the idiot inside you. Ugh by those peoples I see idiots in your future including you! LOL!

Created by: Unatural101
  1. If you got an A on a test would you...
  2. If you saw a poisonous snake would you...
  3. If your friend said you were an idiot you would...
  4. If you met a cute boy or girl you would...
  5. If your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you you would...
  6. If you were in jail you would...
  7. If you and your friend got beef jerky and she would't share it you would...
  8. If you took this a Idiot Quiz would you be an idiot or better?
  9. Would you marry...
  10. If someone asks you to marry them what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I An Idiot?