ARE you an emo???

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There are many tipes of people.There have always been many tipes of people. Science has discovered that by taking quizes you get the most laughs so take this one!

Are you an emo?Are you the choosen?ARE you ready?Are you still here?Hello?Still here?NO?Ok.Just take this quiz and laugh because why not and because why ?

Created by: Anoneta
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do often cry like a baby?
  2. Do you like hanging out with Perica?
  3. Are you filing in life?
  4. Do you worship the devil and call him kawaii names?
  5. Do u often cry in the bathroom?
  6. Do you vear a lot of makeup?
  7. Can you describe your day by emotions throughout it?
  8. which band do you prefer?
  9. Love croatia pls we in a crisis
  10. Do you vear a lot of makeup?

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Quiz topic: Am I an emo???