are you an American?

R U An AMERICAN? Let’s take this quiz to see if you are an American or not? I hope you succeed in this quiz,Good Luck!I mean if you don’t need any I won’t give you luck...

I am an English guy that speaks my language? I hope you succeed. I Am out of words to say to you I hope I finish me! save me from doom! Thankeee

Created by: Stephen Fernandes
  1. Favorite Color
  2. What sport do you like
  3. Are You fluent in any other language?
  4. Favorite Vacation Spot
  5. Do you have friends that speak another language?
  6. Favorite Celebrity
  7. What would you do if a guy broke your car on purpose
  8. What present would you want
  9. What phrase would you say to your best friend
  10. What language do you think sounds funny?

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Quiz topic: Am I an American?
