Are you an alterhuman

Hellooooooooo maybe qqqqqqqqqqqwwwwwwwewrerefsfsfsstdvgbbkjhbkvghkjfthutyfrfyuffyufytiytiggtyityggyitgiytgtyigtuiytigtiygtviyyivtvytivtyitiyvtviytgigi

Hellooooooooo my name is toiler hellooooooooo me name is poo like to eat but I’m a therian hello mi a theriej hellooooooooo I’m a toile wnsjjsj wish ee

Created by: Mitsaki
  1. Do you feel more animal senses than human senses
  2. Do you have shifts
  3. Do you own any gear
  4. Do you have animal intentions
  5. Do you like being out side
  6. Do you remember a past life as a specific animal
  7. Do you feel connected to a place
  8. I have plenty waterbased food
  9. I have more than one theriotype
  10. I love milk

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Quiz topic: Am I an alterhuman
