are you a werebear?

are you a werebear? to find out if you're another werebeast, check out my other quizzes. as I myself is a werecat, and my best friend is a werebear, I know about these things.

are you a werebear? or another werebeast? take the quiz to find out! I am a werecat and my best friend is a werebear, so my werebeast quizzes are 100% accurate!

Created by: LokiCat
  1. how do you describe yourself?
  2. do you want to eat humans?
  3. do you have sharp teeth?
  4. what do you like to eat?
  5. what do you do if you're attacked?
  6. do you like to eat?
  7. do you get angry easily?
  8. do you love the moon?
  9. do you like teddy bears?
  10. how is your sense of smell?

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Quiz topic: Am I a werebear?