Are you a true Slytherin?

This is a True Slytherin quiz. I am sorry if this is kinf of stereo-typical... But this was my first, and I dont have that much experience about making quizzes!

This quiz will tell you if you are true Slytherin or not. Try to Answer as trufully as you can, so the answers are trutful too. Don't take this too seriously! Have fun anyways!

Created by: Kitty
  1. DO you think that you belong to Slytherin?
  2. Okay, let's see.. Who was the founder of Slytherin?
  3. And who was the head of Slytherin? (In Harry's 1-6 year)
  4. The known heir of Slytherin?
  5. What is the talent that every heir of Slyhterin (or the heir's horcrux) haves?
  6. Opinion to Mudbloods? (doesn't affect with results)
  7. How about Draco?
  8. Do you want to be Slytherin?
  9. Your style?
  10. Opinion on Gryffindor?
  11. Opinion on Hufflepuff
  12. Opinion on Ravenclaw?
  13. Do you like the green and silver trimming?
  14. Are you Pureblood?
  15. Do you like dungeons!
  16. This is it! Hope you liked, this was my first quiz EVER.

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Slytherin?
