Are You a True HSM Fan?

Are you really a true HSM fan? What do you think? You need to take the quiz to prove it.

hi hi hi Groilla pie eat up every day for a life time so PIE PIE abd go wildcats!!! HSM for life, take the quiz.

Created by: Holly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Is Troy's Name????
  2. Fill in the blank: " This could be the star of something new it feels so right to be here with_____?"
  3. what is better Cheese or blogna?
  4. True or False: Barbie + Michale jackson = LOVE???
  5. can You Eat cereal without milk?
  6. What does NHL stand for?
  7. Can Peter pan fly?
  8. What does HSM stand for?
  9. HEY!!!!
  10. lemonade___ beat it once beat it twice. Fill in the blank!

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Quiz topic: Am I a True HSM Fan?