are you a true criss angel fan?

criss angel (ahem) criss is like one of the best magician ever in the history of magicians he rocks out loud and i am a mega fan of him i want to try his tricks at home but the show says not to :(

do you have what is take to be a true criss fan? how well do you know him test your knowledge take this quiz i love criss angel i am a mega fan are you?

Created by: lauren
  1. What is Criss Angel's Birthday?
  2. If Criss Angel isn't his real name what is it?
  3. Where was Criss raised?
  4. How many brothers does Criss have?
  5. What name one illusion Criss did on his television show?
  6. How did Criss get inspired to start magic
  7. What is Criss Angel's show called?
  8. What did Criss do before he became a magician?
  9. Criss got run over by a ______ while lying stomach down on a bed of _____
  10. What awards did Criss win?
  11. I love Criss Angel! what do you think about him?
  12. Why are you taking this test?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true criss angel fan?