Are you a TRUE Belieber?

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This quiz is just the easy stuff. To be even the tiniest bit of a Belieber, you have to know this stuff. Now come on & take this quiz and show the world you're infected with Bieber Fever.

Do you have the brain of a BELIEBER? Were you infected with BIEBER FEVER? Thats what this quiz is for. But remember, this is just the easy stuff. Don't get cocky.

Created by: Inessa and Alexis
  1. Where was Justin born?
  2. What time was Justin born?
  3. What hospital was Justin born in?
  4. How much did he weigh?
  5. What was Justin's doctors name?
  6. Who did Justin get disovered by?
  7. What is Justin's moms full name?
  8. Are Jazmyn & Jaxon Justin's half siblings or full siblings?
  9. What day did Never Say Never come out?
  10. What was Bieber Fever called when Justin was 15? And what were Beliebers called?

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE Belieber?