Are you a troublemaker or goody-two shoes?

There are many people who bend the rules a bit to have some fun every now or then and get detention alot but that doesn't cut it for a trouble maker at all.

So the question is are you a troublemaker? Do you get suspended arrested and yelled at by authority? The only way to find out is ask people around you or save time and take this quiz

Created by: Keat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whats your opinion of rules?
  2. If the teacher left the room for 3 minutes what would you do?
  3. Are you mostly know for the good things or bad things?
  4. Have you been warned from the cops before?
  5. If someone is Graffiting the school bathroom what would you do?
  6. How often do you get referrals at school?
  7. What do you get most of?
  8. Have you ever been arrested or in Juvenile Hall?
  9. Are you under 21 and had alcohol already?
  10. Have you skipped school before?
  11. When was the last time you got grounded?
  12. Did you ever sneak-out from home?
  13. Have you ever shoplifted before?
  14. Which of these have you done the most of?
  15. Have you ever been banned from somewhere?
  16. Have you ever gotten expelled from school?
  17. Do you know you Discipline dean very well?

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Quiz topic: Am I a troublemaker or goody-two shoes?