Are You a Tomboy?

Are you a tomboy? Or a pretty pink princess? Well you can find out in our quiz. And if you don't know then take take the quiz and find out have fun ! :)?

Have you been called a tomboy or a pink princess well if you have then you can find out if you really are one and if you have not been called one then take the quiz anyway it's fun :).

Created by: Taylor
  1. Do you like the color pink?
  2. Do you like to put on make up?
  3. Are you a dare devil?
  4. Do you paint your nails?
  5. Are most of your friends guys?
  6. Do you watch dramatic shows?
  7. Do you like rock and roll music?
  8. Is you closet full of pink stuff?
  9. Do you like to play video games?
  10. Do you read fashion magazines?
  11. Do you like to go shopping?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Tomboy?