Are you a real person?

you shall be amazed when you finish this i jolly well promise so so you better be you random person off the interent. I doubt I know you i really really do

got to hate the rules.....................................................................................................................................

Created by: Mr Squitmen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you often wonder if you are real
  2. If someone asked you to jump, would you?
  3. Can you dance?
  4. If i say squish you say....
  5. If a bush talked to you you would think....
  6. So......
  7. If a person you knew run away from you screaming that you were not real what would you do?
  8. If you were invisible what would you do
  10. Are you alive?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real person?