Are you a real harry potter fan

There are many Harry Potter fans. But not all of them know everything. A true Harry Potter fan is someone who no doubt supports the movies and books and loves the characters as friends and family but most importantly they know all or mostly all of the facts.

Are you a true Harry Potter fan? Do you want to know? If yes then this quiz is for you. It will test you on simple Harry Potter questions to see if you really belong in the wizarding world

Created by: magiclover:s!ytherin
  1. What element is Gryffindor?
  2. What element is Ravenclaw
  3. What element is Hufflepuff
  4. What element is Slytherin
  5. What is the name of the ice cream shop in Dragon alley
  6. What was hermione's score on her charms exams in her first year
  7. What house was hermione almost in
  8. What house was harry almost in
  9. Rons patronus is a _____________
  10. The black sisters (from oldest to youngest) are
  11. What are the names of all the defense against the dark arts (d.a.d.a)teachers in order
  12. Snapes patrons is a
  13. Who else has the same patronus as snape
  14. Finnish this sentence:may born witches will Marry ________
  15. Who says the sentence from the last question
  16. What does snape call lilly
  17. Does what snape calls Lilly end their friendship
  18. What does petunia call lilly
  19. Does what petunia calls Lilly end their friendship
  20. Who was draco's cousin he never(or briefly) met

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Quiz topic: Am I a real harry potter fan