are you a pisces, taurus or gemini

lots of people act like their astrology signs but some dont do you act like your astrology signs. i have to write more so i ll just do this cfgojxdifjasiofydifodusiofghesuiodghsieyuh7syft8ugusd8gyrd7uyfehs7tye7sdts78tyher7treyh

are you a pisces taurus or gemini do u truly act like your star sign. or not same herebkcfgnjdklfhnksjdhrfskjgfusdhfuserfyuseryfhseuiryf8sue8ytf8seyfusiodfyu8eriyute78ruty

Created by: canada
  1. in the lunch room a girl/boy slips and everyone laughs what do u do?
  2. the most popular girl/boy in school asks you to his party on the same day of your bff's b-day
  3. Your best friends new haircut is terrible but she thinks its awesome
  4. a unpopular girl is trying to be your friend and she wont go away
  5. your mom grounded you on the exact weekend of the gr8est party ever wat do u do
  6. you are searching for a summer job
  7. you have three choses for your b-day present which one
  8. you have a choose between the type of dog you want
  9. yourfav. book is......
  10. fav. sport

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Quiz topic: Am I a pisces, taurus or gemini