Are you a noob?

There are many good Halo players out there. There are also many "Noobs" out there. This will tell you if you are a noob. Read the question carefully!!

Are you a noob? Are you sick of noobs getting in your way? Do you wonder if your a noob? This quiz will either confirm your not a noob or confirm you are a noob!

Created by: Kevin Chamberlain

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you do the leave lobby glitch in any other matchmade game besides Team Snipers?
  2. Do you change clan at least once a week?
  3. Do you Guardian Glitch in matchmaking?
  4. Do you have kids or are you married?
  5. Do you ALWAYS use the Energy Sword, Rocker Launcher, or Shotgun?
  6. Do you think superbouncers are noobs?
  7. How long do you play Halo 2?
  8. Do you get in the way of people superbouncing?
  9. Do you play after you get put of school?
  10. Do you boost in any way?

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Quiz topic: Am I a noob?