Are you a Nightwing or Rainwing? Find out here!

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So please try to be patient with me, this is the first ever quiz I have made. I am OBSESSED with Wings of Fire. I also like to draw dragons. there are actually 10 kinds of dragons, but we are focusing on Rainwings and Nightwings.

Want to know which forest inhabiting dragon you are from wings of fire? What to know which tribe you are from? I made two results, in this test you will either be a Nightwing or a Rainwing.

Created by: Eclipsethenightwing
  1. What time of day do you like the best?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
  4. What pet would you like?
  5. Pick a color.
  6. Which dragon do you think you are?
  7. if you were a dragon, what would your name be?
  8. Where would you want to live as a dragon?
  9. Do you like to read?
  10. Which bed sounds more appealing?
  11. How would you describe yourself?
  12. What is your hair color?
  13. What is your favorite drink?
  14. What is your favorite dragon?
  15. What is your favorite subject in school?
  16. If you were in battle what would you do first?
  17. Is this a stupid quiz?
  18. Have you read Wings of Fire? If not, HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nightwing or Rainwing? Find out here!
