Are You A MySpace Freak?

What is a Myspace freak? It is someone who is constantly on his/her computer and always on myspace! If you want to find out if you truley are a Mypace freak then take THIS quiz!!

Are YOU a Myspace Freak? Do you have what it takes to become active and not be a myspace freak??? Thanks to this awesome quiz, you will find out your true inner myspacer, with just a few minutes of your time!

Created by: Kara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do you normally spend on the computer?
  2. Do you have a myspace?
  3. How many friends on myspace do you have?
  4. How many people have viewed your profile?
  5. What is your myspace name?
  6. How often do you go on myspace?
  7. What is your backround????
  8. Do you like ducks?
  9. Do ducks like you??
  10. Do YOU <3 me??

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Quiz topic: Am I A MySpace Freak?