Are you a Mario fan

Hey guys. It's me Mario. Just kidding. Are you a Mario fan. Take this quiz and find out. I've played a lot of Mario games so that's why I made this quiz.

Don't take the results too seriously. I made this quiz just for fun. And because I love all of the Mario games. And I can probably beat them. Good luck on the quiz.

Created by: XXX_brian_XXX
  1. Who was the creator of Mario. There are actually two creators.
  2. What was the first Mario game created.
  3. When was donkey kong created.
  4. When was super Mario bros. created
  5. How many Mario maker games are there.
  6. True or false. Mario has his own animated series.
  7. How do you think on this quiz
  8. Will you rate this quiz a ten please
  9. Will you comment
  10. Do you want your results

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mario fan