Are YOU A Harry Potter Fan?

This quiz is obvious. It is in its own name! So..... I think you get the point that it is a Harry Potter quiz to see if you are a true Harry Potter fan or not.

You a Harry Potter Fan? You WANT to be a Harry Potter fan? THEN TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT IF YOU ARE A HARRY POTTER FAN!! I hope you are because there can never be to many Potterheads! (LOL!)

Created by: Victoria Ness
  1. Who does Ron marry?
  2. Which is the 1st book?
  3. What is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's real name?
  4. Which of the Weasley's doesn't survive in the end?
  5. What is Harry's mother's name?
  6. What is Harry's father's name?
  7. What is Ron's sister's name?
  8. Which house is Harry in?
  9. What is Malfoy's first name?
  10. Who does Harry marry?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Harry Potter Fan?