Are you a good speller?

A good vocabulary will make you sound smarter. It's a good idea to know what the words mean and how to spell them. Do you know how to spell these words?

These words were given to high school kids. On average, each high schooler spelled eighty percent of these words correctly. Do you think you can beat them? Think again.

Created by: reagan67
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which word is spelled correctly?
  2. Which word is spelled correctly?
  3. Which word is spelled correctly?
  4. Which word is spelled correctly?
  5. Which word is spelled correctly?
  6. Which word is spelled correctly?
  7. Which word is spelled correctly?
  8. Which word is spelled correctly?
  9. Which word is spelled correctly?
  10. Which word is spelled correctly?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good speller?