are you a good person

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are you a good or a bad person take this quiz the find out i hope you get good and not bad,sorry if its bad it my first time making a quiz............

are you a good or a bad person if you take this quiz you will find out.p.s among us is a really good game try to play it some time when you can.......

Created by: Emma
  1. if you saw a kid dieing would you help them?
  2. do you kill the payers in among us that has a kid
  3. do you bully people
  4. no you think your a good person
  5. this is my first time making a quiz is it ok its bad
  6. you see a dog and a kid in a fire do you save the dog or the kid
  7. you see a homeless kid loss money what do you do
  8. what do you think of the quiz
  9. do you like god
  10. hello

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Quiz topic: Am I a good person
