Are you a good best friend?

This quiz is for people who feel insecure about thier friendship, wants to know if thier a good friend, and how to fix it if you aren't. This quiz is 100% recamended!

Are you a good friend? Do you know how to be a good friend? Do people like being around you? If you are unsure about any of these questions, this quiz is for you!

Created by: Ellen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When a friend says something about somebody else, do you go up right after they say it and tell that person?
  2. When you have a friend you havn't seen in 7 years move from florida and is having a party but you already promised your best friend you would come to her's,what would you do?
  3. Do you gossip about him/her
  4. Do you comunicate well?
  5. Do you fight alot?
  6. Do you share simularities?
  7. Do you enjoy being around him/her?
  8. Do you show care to him/her?
  9. Are your parents friends?
  10. Do you stand up for eachother?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good best friend?