are you a good babysitter?

Their are many people who are great at babysitting. in this quiz you will find out if you have the right skills to be a babysitter yourself or if this is not the job for you.

Are you good with kids? do you know what to do in emergencies? do you make wise decisions? you quite possibly could be a babysitter. find out if the job was meant for you.

Created by: emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if a child comes up to you crying, what do you do?
  2. the parents asked you to only call them if there was an emergency, but as cleaning up a snack you accidentally break a plate. what do you do?
  3. the child gets badly hurt and is in need of a doctor. What do you do?
  4. the parents come home to find that their child was not in bed and had not eaten dinner. they yell at you for not doing what they asked. how do you respond?
  5. you are babysitting a five year old girl named Suzy. she started to throw a temper tantrum because she did not get ice cream for dinner. what do you do?
  6. your boyfriend/girlfriend calls and asks if you want to hang out. what do you tell them?
  7. are you trained in first aid and CPR?
  8. you are babysitting a five year old child. they ask to watch a movie that is PG 13. you say no but they say their parents let them watch it all the time. what do you do?
  9. you are playing with the child you are babysitting and you hear a knock at the door. what do you do?
  10. you are at walgreens with the child you are babysitting. while your checking out the kid asks "can i get a pack of cigs?" what do you say?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good babysitter?