Are you a Furry or an Anti Furry Lets find out.

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Are you a furry or an anti furry? You can know what you are on here. Just Enter and we will ask some questions to you and you only need to answer them.

If you think you are a furry you can try this test, Same goes to anti furries here [This test made in: 30 minutes do not send any hate messeages im not going to read them]

Created by: 17TX
  1. Do you like animals?
  2. What would you do if you go to a furry convention
  3. What do you do if you get bullied?
  4. Do you have a fursona?
  5. What "powers" do you use to beat your enemies up?
  6. What do you do if you see a furry
  7. Are you interested in guns?
  8. Are you in your..
  9. Do you like your body or do you want to change it to..
  10. Do you like furries?
  11. Did you enjoy doing this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Furry or an Anti Furry Lets find out.

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