Are you a Furry?

furries are awesome and you may be one too so take this quiz to be sure before and also I am furry but this is not accurate and is not meant to be too

please don't take any of this seriously soo here are some directly copied words furries are awesome and you may be one too so take this quiz to be sure before and also I am furry but this is not accurate and is not meant to be too

Created by: BOSKAT450
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a furry by definition?
  2. Do you consider yourself a furry?
  3. Anthrocon is held annually in _____
  4. What is a fursona?
  5. Telephone is a _______
  6. Is palindrome cute?
  7. Is furry a sexuality?
  8. What is digitigrade?
  9. Who is the most subscribed furry on YouTube?
  10. Furry 4 Lyfe?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Furry?