are you a dummy

For people that scored 0-50%: You guys are smart. There are many smart people in the world, but few are not genius. But you guys are. You have extraordinary brains that push the dumbness out of you. You guys must be related to Einstein.

For people that scored 51-100%. You guys suck! How could you score a 100? That's the worst you can get! I'm not so mad with the 51% people, but they still are dummies.

Created by: quinn
  1. What is the best race?
  2. What does Red Foreman say on "That 70s Show"?
  3. What is the best song?
  4. Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
  5. Did you enter the last question truthfully?
  6. What's your favorite tv show?
  7. I think I'm a dummy because...
  8. Does your living room look good from my window in my bedroom?
  9. Did you answer the last question truthfully?
  10. How big is your poop?

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Quiz topic: Am I a dummy