Are you a Dork or CCP? Dork Diaries Quiz

Are you a Dorky Fan of Nikki Maxwell? Check if you are truly dorky or just a plain fan of her Drama and chaos caused by Mackenzie and (of course) Brianna

Or maybe you are a fan of the Queen of Drama, Mackenzie Hollister? She is the Queen Bee of the CCPs (Cute, cool and popular kids) Are you a loyal subject of hers? Find out here!!

Created by: Adorkable Owl
  1. Would you rather...
  2. Do you...
  3. Do you use your phone for...
  4. Is your family...
  5. Does your family do game nights using fake cardboard games?
  6. Do you...
  7. Have you ever...
  8. Have you asked someone out on a date
  9. (Random) What is your fav dork diary book out of the listed
  10. Which of the BFFs is better?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Dork or CCP? Dork Diaries Quiz
