Are you a Diva or Laid back?

There are divas out their and there are people who just don't care about the haters. Ever wonder for hours what you are? That's why I made this. Because I, myself have been asking this question and found out so now i want to help you guys find out

so, the real question is are YOU a diva, chill, party goer or no one really knows. All you have to do is answer simple questions about what you think about stuff and boom personality (there are unicorns involved)

Created by: Sophia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you rather spend your weekend?
  2. Its your birthday. What's the theme?
  3. You are supposed to be grounded. What would you do?
  4. You got invited to a beach party! What do you do and bring?
  5. You just got asked out by your crush! Where do you go?
  6. You are going through a hard time. What do you do to cheer up?
  7. Your moving houses. Who do you call to help?
  8. Why are you doing this test?
  9. What do you think you are?
  10. What type of unicorn do you like best?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Diva or Laid back?