Are you a cow (find out)

Are you a cow? Take this quiz to find out!! Do you think the way a cow would, on the inside ? Don't leave bad comments, I plead of you. So, are you a cow?

This quiz was made to test if you have the brain of a cow. Are you a cow. Are you a cow. Are you a cow. Are you a cow. Take the quiz to see if you are a cow. Don't leave bad comments

Created by: Awesome
  1. Are you a cow
  2. What is your favorite word?
  3. Is this quiz going to an extent?
  4. Did you like frozen?
  5. Was the correct answer to every question so far yes?
  6. Is this the sixth question?
  7. Have you clicked moo for every question?
  8. Moo
  9. Oink
  10. Are you a cow

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Quiz topic: Am I a cow (find out)