Are you a child of Athena or Hermes... or neither?

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Are you a child of Hermes or Athena. This quiz was made for people who couldn't find an answer and got tied between the two. Well have fun! And good luck.

Are YOU the child of HERMES or ATHENA? Do you have the powers of him or her? Or are you just a human? Or maybe you just are the child of another god? The answers will tell!

Created by: Christian
  1. Select the one with the things you find most interesting.
  2. Describe yourself/what your most like...
  3. Select what power you'd chose from the ones below.
  4. Select what power you'd chose from the ones below AGAIN.
  5. Select what power you'd chose from the ones below AGAIN 3.
  6. Weakness/fear/fatal flaw?
  7. What do you THINK you are? (This has no effect on the answers because just because you think your are doesn't make you more likely to be.)
  8. What do you WANT to be? (This has no effect on the answers because just because you think your are doesn't make you more likely to be.)
  9. Yes, i know this is not very relevant but i need to have 12 questions before moving on... Who's your favorite god?
  10. Who's your favorite god...? 2
  11. Who's your favorite god? 3
  12. Are you a kleptomaniac/compulsive stealer?
  13. What is your hair color?
  14. What's your eye color?

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Quiz topic: Am I a child of Athena or Hermes... or neither? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Percy Jackson Quiz category.