are u boy CRAZY??

There are many boy crazy girls out there. Many are gay's too that are boy crazy! What is " boy crazy "?? Boy crazy means that your'e head over heals for guys such as, only talking about them for the longest time, gushing over their hot bod, etc.....

Are YOU boy crazy?? DO you think you only talk about guys for the longest time?? How should i know?? But with this wonderful quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! ENJOY!!

Created by: Natalie
  1. Do you have a BUNCH of guy posters in ur room??
  2. Are you gay???
  3. Do you LOOOOOOVE Nat Wolff??
  4. When you BFF tickles you in the spot that's sapposed to tell if your boy crazy, do u laugh????
  5. Made out yet???
  6. Do your BFF's say that ur boy crazy ALL the time??
  7. Hunky or Hottie??
  8. Have you made out with any of the guy posters in your room??
  9. What colour hair do u have???
  10. Favourite colour??
  11. Did u like me quiz??

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