Are You a Nerd or Are You Cool?

There's lots of cool people and lots of nerds. A nerd is someone that likes to do boring work and school stuff. A cool person is someone who hates work and well pretty much the opposite of a nerd.

Are you cool or a nerd? Do you think you are cool or a nerd. I bet your wondering well thinks to this test you can find out in a few minutes. This will tell you a lot k.

Created by: brady
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite subject?
  2. Do you have a pocket protector?
  3. Do you think girls/boys are gross?
  4. Whats cool to you?
  5. What is your favorite thing in the world?
  6. What would you wear to school at a non uniform school?
  7. Do people laf at you?
  8. Do girls/boys talk to you?
  9. Hello, sup, hi, hey, or yo.
  10. Do you say things like ect. Or tecnical and stuff like that?

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