Are people jealous of you?

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It is horrible to feel the need to be jealous of someone, it makes you feel alone and like everyone else is better then you. But it is also horrible to have someone be jealous of you.

This quiz works best for girls who think other girls are jealous of them or boys who think other boys are jealous of them. This is because if it involves both girl and boy it may be love rather then jealousy.

Created by: Anonymous . . .
  1. Do you catch them staring at you?
  2. Do they say unkind things about your looks?
  3. Do they say unkind things about your personality?
  4. Do they mock you in anyway?
  5. Do they congratulate your achievements?
  6. Do they say mean things about something about you (clothing, hairstyle ect.) then copy you the following day?
  7. Are they two faced? (says one thing to you and another thing behind your back)
  8. Do they try and get other people on there side when mocking you ect?
  9. Are they always compering themselves to you?
  10. Do they ever complement you in anyway?
  11. When you tell people about this person and what they do, does the person you are talking to say they think they are jealous?

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