Angel or devil?? What are you

thank you my friends for joining this quiz I hope you enjoy it and dont hate, these things take forever!!!! so um.......................... BEEEEE CRAZY

so I thank you very much for visiting.... try it our and have fun doing it, and please note that this has nothing to do. with any of your personal life just for fun!!!!!

Created by: MAD GIRL
  1. What Do you prefer
  2. Do you like spicy food or sweet food?
  3. Smiles or frowns
  4. do you like bugs
  5. how do you prefer to eat your food
  6. fire or ice
  7. warm or cold
  8. what kind of music
  9. whats your favorite word
  10. are you the type to smile at jokes or be mean

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Quiz topic: Angel or devil?? What am I
