Ancient Historical Investigation Ideas

If you are stuck for ideas for your historical investigation, consider doing this quiz. The results and topics suggested are still very broad and require specification by you, talk with your teacher for ideas on how to make your chosen area into a more specific question.

Just use this quiz as a starting off point for your investigation and to begin to think about possible questions for your project. Remember to check in with your teacher frequently.

Created by: Miss Lawler
  1. Why did you choose Ancient History for HSC?
  2. Which of the following Ancient societies is most interesting to you?
  3. Which of the following features of Ancient societies interests you the most?
  4. Which Ancient Historical figure is the coolest in your opinion
  5. What is the hardest part of studying Ancient History in your opinion?
  6. What are the most interesting Ancient Sources in your opinion?
  7. Which Ancient Religion is most interesting to you?
  8. Which of the following would you like to learn/develop your skills of over the next two years?
  9. What is your favourite part of studying history?
  10. Final Question: Have you already gotten any ideas for just taking this quiz?

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