About Champagne . . .

You are not a victim of our explitivus ways, but rather an accomplice in our ulterior motives. Whether or not you understand, there is always Seattle, and when in doubt, speak in cliche... we just want the best for you.

Get Smart! Take the CB quiz to see what you know about life, Champagne Breakfast, and the universe. And don't forget, if you feel the lack of control, just have a cigarette.

Created by: Chongo
  1. Kurt's favorite pastime is . . .
  2. If Skip weren't drumming in the band, he would most likely be . . .
  3. The name "Champagne Breakfast" comes from . . .
  4. Today, Champagne Breakfast is going to do what they do every day, which is what?
  5. What kind of bass guitar does Sean make love to?
  6. Where is the band's next gig?
  7. The band's most recent cover song is written by what artists?
  8. Kurt has a special knack for what?
  9. Matty's live stage presence consists of . . .
  10. After a Champagne Breakfast show, you feel . . .

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