A maple test(Easy)

os: ? KB: 50 Etc. drop: Monster Card Common equipment: - Warrior equipment: - Magician equipment: - Bowman equipment: - Thief equipment: - Pirate equipment: - Ore drop: - Maker item: - Useable drop: Red Potion, Blue Potion, Grilled Cheese, Arrow for Bow, Arrow for Crossbow, Equip Enhancement Scroll, Potential Scroll Weapon Att.:85 Magic Att.: 81 Weapon Def.: 40 Magic Def.: 50 PDRate: 10 MDRate: 10 Speed: 20 Accuracy: 9 Avoidability: 1 Weak against (Magic): - Normal against (Magic): Fire, Poison, Ice, Lightning, Holy, Dark Strong against (Magic): - Immune to (Magic): Heal

s description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create s description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create

Created by: gilbert
  1. Which of these mobs is level 8?
  2. What job gets their first job advancement at level 8?
  3. What is the main island you start of in after maple island for explores?
  4. What is the city for the thief?
  5. Which slime is fake?
  6. True or False? Orange mushrooms ride on pigs.
  7. True or False? Green mushrooms have hands.
  8. What is the city for the warrior?
  9. what company made maplestory?
  10. The answer of this question is pie.

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