~{what's Your Warrior Cats Personality?}~

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Hi there! You will have to create your new ocs personallity here!! Have fun!! (I'm just gonna right random letters here: ).

Next I might do the pelt colors- (same here- ).

Created by: Sp3csN0tF0ound
  1. What type of games do you prefere?
  2. What's your favorite book series?
  3. What type of youtubers do you watch?
  4. Do you like combat?
  5. What is your cats role in most rps?
  6. What is your cats clan in most rps?
  7. Where will your cat go when they pass away?
  8. And lastly, what would your cat do if their crush pinned them to the ground?
  9. So you like rps eh?
  10. Whatsur fave color?

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Quiz topic: ~{what's my Warrior Cats Personality?}~

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