:. what kind of person are you ? .:

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` ` :. I hope you enjoyed this quiz I only did this out of the fun of it but it actually turned out pretty well ! I hope this was fun for yall and I hopefully will make more stuff like this! ` ` .:

` ` :. Please share this with a friend or post it on some site it would really help but it is truely up to you . other that that I hope you likes this quiz and maybe your friends will to ? .:` `

Created by: :. lil bo peep .:
  1. :. what is your personality ? .:
  2. :. what is your fav color and type of aesthetic ? .:
  3. :.how much do people like you ? .:
  4. :. what is your fav type of video game / tv show
  5. :. what kinda jokes ya tell / this is just a random question .:
  6. :. do you do sports ? Or any hobbies ? .:
  7. :. what kind of clothing do you wear ? .:
  8. :. whats your fav animal ? .:
  9. :. warm weather or cold weather ? .:
  10. :. ` ` do you like animated movies or realistic movies ? ` ` .:

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Quiz topic: :. what kind of person am I ? .:
