/I/ am ~b----~.

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Created by: Taryn
  1. When is my birthday?
  2. Which is my favorite movie?
  3. Which is my favorite Avetts song?
  4. Who is my celeb crush?
  5. Which of these isn't a pet I had growing up?
  6. Which type of horror/thrillers movies is my favorite?
  7. Which is my favorite holiday?
  8. Which out of these is my favorite
  9. Which is the correct order of where my /dad/ lived after joining the military?
  10. What was first my dream job?
  11. Fave dessert
  12. Second medical procedure
  13. Who would I rather have dinner with? dead or alive
  14. Fave song you showed me
  15. which song do you think /i/ think kicked off our music relationship
  16. Fave part of Columbus
  17. Fave tv show
  18. what do i hate most
  19. how many inches did i cut off my hair when i got my first pixie
  20. fave movie we've watched togeth
  21. Fave brand of jeans
  22. fave subject in gen
  23. /my/ fave funny thing I've done
  24. my go to number for anything

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