
Life would be so much better if we were animals.Do animals trash the planet? no.Do they become terrorists? no. Do they lie, cheat, steal, kill or main for their own benefit? no.

Among one of the finest animals are wolves.They have a complex pack order, but the alpha always rules with peace and fairness,unlike people who lie, cheat,ect. to make it to the top. Wolves are not monsters. they are more humanthan all of us. Where do YOU lie in the pack?

Created by: Victoria

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It is lunch time. in the cafeteria you...
  2. Theres a new trend going around.
  3. if you were in crush with a guy, you think...
  4. choose one
  5. coolness is...
  6. how bubbly are you?
  7. you always go...
  8. cake is...
  9. you love...
  10. unicorns are....

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