7min in heaven fnaf ;)

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Mk! So how this is gonna work is (NO REPORTING PLEASE) you just pick out the answers for basic questions I will ask you. If you want you don't have to pick some of them. I think it might affect your score but. i'll try to deal with it! ^^

There will be some RP (Role Play) in this so like, just go with the flow on these mk. T-T Yes there will be spice in some of the RP, that's what 7 mins in heaven are for >;D Anyways just enjoy my 1st quiz! :)

Created by: xdS1mpbow_ewod
  1. Koushi(me): Hello!! Nice to meet ya! This is my first quiz so if you don't mind please take it easy on me! T-T Yeah i'm old enough to put dirty stuff out here! |:) There will also be some rp (Roleplay) in this! Anyways! 1st question!Fav color?
  2. Age if you don't mind? (Will not affect your score)
  3. If you could pick anyone in the choices below to do 7 mins in heaven with, who would it be? ;)
  4. Ok the fnaf characters will be asking YOU questions! ;) Vincent: Sooo do you like kil- K(me): YOUDON'THAVETOANSWERTHATBUTIPICKYES- V:...Just pick already...
  5. Favorite character out of the choices below! :)
  6. RP time!! (RP) You get pulled into a closet with Vincent. You are his rival but he's been having small flirty talks with you because he's had such a big crush on you ever since you started working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza as a night guard. you hear the door lock behind you, you start to shake a little knowing you might get yourself killed because you thought Vincent hated you or just tried to play you in a way. You feel two hands go down your sides, then down to your thighs. What do you do after?
  7. K: Alright-... Uhm- freddy? do you wanna ask anything?-- F: Of course! Thank you Koushi! What do you think about Gregory! my son! ^^ K: omg so cute...
  8. Ok who do you like from SB? (Security Breach) out of these choices. (Will not affect your score)
  9. K: You wanna go Balloon Boy BB: Yeah sure! Do you like, double. aid. batteries? :)... K: What is with you and flashlight batteries?!
  10. (!RP!) You and another get pushed into the closet together. You fall to the floor. and to the side of you, you hear something made of metal fall as well. You though it was Monty but as soon as you turned around and sat butt facing the floor, you saw a big paw hand reach out to you. You grab the paw hand and you notice it's Freddy! You feel that you're against the wall as soon as you get up from the floor. F: Do not be scared Y/N. I do not mean harm!.. I have heard about the rules of how to play this game.. So if you do not mind, may I put my paw here on your side? What do you say?
  11. (!RP!) You get pulled into the closet by your shirt collar. You couldn't see who it was because of how fast they pulled you in. You froze in place after you heard the door close and lock. You felt a bit of warm springy arms wrapping around you. You knew at the moment who it was. You turn around and.. what do you do?
  12. K: Moreee questions!! Okk Sunny you're next! S: oooh~! Yay! SO Sunshine! Do you like glitter glue!? K: lmao
  13. If you had to be stuck in a closet with Sunny and/or Freddy. Who would you wanna smash first? ;)
  14. Ok! let's play play smash or pass for a couple rounds!Round 1. Smash or pass? Freddy or Vincent?
  15. Round 2! Smash or pass! Sunny or Balloon Boy?
  16. Round 3! Smash or pass! Balloon Boy or Pig-patch?
  17. K: Ok enough of fnaf, let's ask some serious questions! Maybe a little bit of personal ones? :') Do you have siblings? If so how many? If not then how many would you want? (Will not affect your score)
  18. Do you like your parents?
  19. Are your parents divorced? Do you maybe know why?
  20. Do you play any of these games below? (Sorry if it's not multiple choice :/)
  21. Ok this one is RP! (RP) You play spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to play 7MIH (7 Mins In Heaven) The bottle lands on Pig patch the animatronic. You slightly feel a little nervous because you only liked him as a friend. you were put in the closet with him and he needs to tell you something. Patch: "Hey uhm, y/n... I have something to tell you.." What do you say?
  22. K&V: DO YOU LIKE TOAST AND COFFEE!?! Other animatronics staring at us strangely...
  23. What nicknames do you like being called by animatronics?
  24. (!RP!) You get pushed into a closet with your closets night guard friend! you both fall and he falls on top of you. you feel slightly embarrassed and hot. You both got up quickly! You both turned from each other and had both your hands on your side rubbing your elbow's. You decided to to turn around and talk to but right when you turned around it looked like Jeremy wanted to do the same, as you both turned around at the same time to lean you both kissed. What do you do after you kiss him?
  25. Ok last question! :) How do you feel about this quiz? Do you want me to do more? (Might affect your score?)

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