17 minutes in heaven...or hell!!!

so..have you ever played seven minutes in heaven?? well its time to play 17 minutes in heaven!! YAY!! so..do you know what guy you are gonna get? cause i dont..thats why you have to take the quiz..duh! the cool thing is some of these guys are real..or are they??

so..you are at a friend's party and you guys decide to play seven minutes in heaven. since you and your friends are cool, you change it to 17 minutes in heaven. then you see four guys comming towards you. one of them is not so good looking and the rest are hella fine!! so good luck..you better pick the right one...

Created by: jonas lover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. pick a number...
  2. what's your favorite sport?
  3. pick a color...
  4. what kind of guy do you like??
  5. Would you want your guy to be popular or not?
  6. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)
  7. Where would you go if you ended up dating the guy you got?
  8. s---..i cant think of any more questions..
  9. Do you like track and field?
  10. yay!! last question..or is it??

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