10 Fun Questions That Will Trick Your Mind (Easy)

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This quiz will determine how well your brain reacts to these confusing questions. But don't worry, these questions are not too hard, and many of them you may have seen and been tested on before.

Anyways, good luck and have fun! Please don't forget to comment and rate, and I'll be back with another fun quiz soon. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: TheQuizMaker of TheQuizMakerStuff
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  1. I can speak both French and Spanish. How many languages can I speak?
  2. You pour 1 gram of salt into 100 grams of water. What is the ratio of salt to saltwater?
  3. If a snail climbs a 5-inch hill and drops an inch with every two inches they climb per day, how many days does it take for the snail to climb the hill?
  4. I am holding two bricks. I put them in my closet in my room. How many bricks do I have now?
  5. If I chop a leg in half from a four-legged table, how many legs are on the table now?
  6. If it takes 10 men 8 hours to build a wall, how many hours would it take 5 men to build the wall?
  7. If 10 birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how birds many are left in the tree?
  8. There were once 10 rabbits in a hole. A person came by and shot one. How many rabbits are left in the hole?
  9. If you're in a race and you overtake the last person, what place are you in?
  10. A man owns 10 acres of land. How many feet does he own?

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Quiz topic: 10 Fun Questions That Will Trick my Mind (Easy)
