Your WoF Pantala hybrid!

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HIIIIIIII this is my first quiz so if it's terrible let me know in the comments... (I HOPE it's not.) Anyway, this is about the Pantala dragons and their hybrids.

Okay, so there are 3 options you can get. 1) Nightwing Silkwing! 2) Rainwing Leafwing! 3) Sandwing Hivewing!Let me know in the comments if you think I should do more! Also if you have any more WoF quiz ideas that I should do let me know!

  1. What are you hoping to get? (This won't affect anything)
  2. What is most important to you?
  3. How would you describe your mood on a daily basis?
  4. Where would you live if you were a Leafwing?
  5. Where would you live if you were a Silkwing?
  6. Where would you live if you were a Hivewing?
  7. What superpower would you have?
  8. How is your day ;)
  9. I just need out fill in some space soooo these won't affect anything...
  10. How did you like this quiz? (This won't affect you score)

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Quiz topic: My WoF Pantala hybrid!
