Your Nickname and Job

"There are many different names in the world, which name fit with you? Which house (Harry Potter) fit with you? Which job fit with you? And you will know it."

"Have you ever wonder which name fit with you? Which Harry Potter house fit with you and which job fit with you? If yes, find out in this quiz! Just a few minutes."

Created by: Elizabeth Watson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a...
  2. Your real name meaning...
  3. Which famous people had name nearest or same with your name?
  4. Choose one!
  5. Your eyes color?
  6. You are...child
  7. Your hair?
  8. Singing?
  9. Where do you come from? (no effect)
  10. In January, 6th 1969, in Sangiran, Indonesia, founded...fossil.
  11. Can you play football?
  12. How about basketball?
  13. And, math?
  14. Anime?
  15. Archaeology and history?
  16. Last question: personality?

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Quiz topic: My Nickname and Job