Your mha villian/hero costume

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This quiz will give you a mha hero or villian costume. I have tried to make them interesting, and please dont think everyone is going to gwt different ones, some people might get the same outfit.

If you get a hero or villian costume is up to what score you get. But dont try and get only certain answers, just answer truthfully. I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Random Weeb
  1. Do you think your a funny person
  2. Do you prefer nature or indoors
  3. Whats your favourite colour from this list
  4. Do you prefer big breasts or a big butt
  5. do you like dark colours or light colours
  6. Do you want to be a hero or villain
  7. Have you heard of my hero mania on roblox, because its a really good game (just adding random stuff now becuase I need 10 questions)
  8. Do you like your toast burned, crisp, or lightly toasted
  9. Do you like nutella
  10. Last question.

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Quiz topic: My mha villian/hero costume
