You really think that you know Davina Michelle?

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True or false! Davina Michelle is an American? When did she write her first song? So many mind boggling questions await you so please comment and tell me how I did and no WIKIPEDIA!!! LOL.

Created by: GinnyWeasley13
  1. Hi guys!
  2. True or false? Davina Michelle wrote a song named Baby.
  3. True or false? Davina Michelle sings opera.
  4. What genre of music does she play?
  5. Is she a girl or boy?
  6. Is she Dutch, American, English, or Irish?
  7. How did she gain popularity?
  8. What are her parents names?
  9. Is Davina Michelle a stage name?
  10. What's her real name?
  11. How old was she when she wrote the song, Crossed hearts?
  12. Good bye! Hope you enjoyed this quiz!
  13. Was this a hard quiz?

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